Tuesday, 21 January 2014


2 of our recently recorded tracks from Leanne Louise and Jessica Alice to be played on Saturday 25th and a possible collaboration between the station and the studio TBC

Friday, 3 January 2014

Leanne Louise 'Save Your Heart'

The long awaited first track 'Save Your Heart' from Leanne Louise's upcoming EP, recorded and filmed at Stag Studios.
More to be heard and seen in 2014.


Jessica Alice

Check out some tracks from Jessica Alice recorded at the studio soon after her successful night of switching on the Christmas lights in Braintree 2013.




Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 Stag Offers and Events

Stag Studios welcomes 2014 with some new offers and upcoming events, so please keep an eye on our Latest News section of the website, and don't forget you can now view studio availability and book online.

Free Kit and Bass hire on Saturdays

Evening or Day recording dates available £20 hr in January

New Live Gig venue coming shortly

Recording Party Nights/ Open Mic Recordings nights - coming soon